Athletics Program at Ashley Hall | Private School in Charleston, SC-十大网赌平台推荐


Ashley Hall’s athletic program is designed to complement physical education and wellness curricula that emphasize lifelong fitness. Competitive intramural team sports, from archery to volleyball, provide girls at all levels of ability the opportunity to develop healthy habits and enjoy the spirit of cooperative play, which translates readily to collaboration in the classroom and beyond. 

Our Philosophy

The primary goal of competition is to win. It is why our players spend hours of their time in practice; it is why we as coaches provide the athlete with the skills and knowledge needed to reach this goal; it is why the development of team unity is stressed as a vital component in the success of our program.

However, winning is not our only goal, nor is it the measure of a successful program. Win or lose, building character in each of our players is the ultimate goal of our program because character extends beyond the athletic field and into everyday life. There are three major areas in which players can experience personal growth through participation in competitive athletics.

Self-Development | Players gain confidence, not just from winning, but from continuing to improve and eventually mastering each skill. Players learn how to encourage and work together with other members of the team, even if they are not friends off the athletic field. Players learn to be responsible by attending practices, being on time and maintaining good academic standing. Players learn to be accountable for their behavior on and off the court. Performing skills incorrectly, giving less than 100 percent, and violating team rules are detrimental, not only to the individual player but to the team.

Overcoming Adversity | If athletics teaches us nothing else, it teaches us that life is not fair. Officials’ calls do not seem to go our way, everyone does not get equal playing time, and some people are naturally better athletes than others. A player’s response to these situations can either push a team toward success or guarantee failure. I can try hard, or I can quit. I can make my teammates better, or I can complain about my lack of playing time. I can continue to work hard even when I do not receive awards or recognition. Learning to respond positively will help the athlete overcome adverse situations, not only in athletic competition, but also in academics or a future career.

Keeping Failure in Perspective | Most teams will not win state championships; in fact, many will not even win a conference championship or have a winning record. Every player, no matter what the skill level, will make mistakes. It seems that failure is inevitable, yet most athletes choose to continue competing and practicing rather that quit. They refuse to become complacent or drown in self-pity, focusing on the failure. By keeping failure in perspective, they have learned to reflect, not dwell, on mistakes and to evaluate, win or lose, the successfulness of each performance.

It is Ashley Hall’s desire to build an athletic program with a winning tradition. It is also our desire to help our athletes develop qualities that will enable them to achieve success, not only on the athletic field but in future endeavors as well.

Team Sports at Ashley Hall


Cross Country




Track and Field

Year Round


Meet the Athletics Team

Franny Slay '80 | Athletic Director for Operations

Christian Alcantara | Athletic Director for Strategic Program Development

Ashley Hall Athletics Facilities & Sports Complex

The Ashley Hall Sports Complex is recognized as one of our top-notch athletic facilities. Located an 11 acres, the Ashley Hall Sports Complex is home field for all soccer and lacrosse teams. Our Ashley Hall Sports Complex is located at 3289 Plow Ground Road Johns Island, SC 29455.

Get directions to the Ashley Hall Sports Complex

Varsity Rosters

Cross Country (Fall)
Golf (Fall)
Tennis (Fall)
Swimming (Fall)
Volleyball (Fall)
Archery (Winter)
Basketball (Winter)
Lacrosse (Spring)
Soccer (Spring)
Track and Field (Spring)
Equestrian (Year Round)
Sailing (Year Round)

Connect with us

Ashley Hall is a K-12 independent school for girls, with a co-ed preschool, committed to a talented and diverse student population. We consider for admission students of any race, color, religion, and national or ethnic origin.
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